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What is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy?

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a form of clinical practice that engages with underlying patterns, unhealthy psychic processes & unconscious motives to understand the presenting complain in a deeper & complex way. As therapy often involves discussing & processing unpleasant aspects of life voluntarily, one may experience uncomfortable feelings of sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, and helplessness. The insight gained & the working-through of these feelings make it possible for people to resolve their emotional battles & improve their relationships & work lives. It translates into better relationships, solutions to specific situations, & significant reductions in feelings of distress.


How do I know if this is for me?

If you're looking to know yourself better, & wish to work on your issues from the core, then psychotherapy is for you. It extends itself to understand & empathise with your complexities, making it a longer comitment. Psychotherapy builds on the assumption that 'finding the cause preceds finding the cure'. If you're on a timeline, for various understandable reasons, or want to work on a specific 'symptom' then I would suggest you to work with someone specialisng in short-term work.


What all concerns does Psychotherapy deal with?

Psychotherapy can help with a range of emotional & psychosomatic difficulties, such as - Depression - Anxiety - Relationship difficulties - Unadressed trauma - Grief - Difficult transitions - Personality difficulties Though as a clinical practice the primary goal of psychotherapy is to reduce distress & enhance wellbeing, it is also an unbeatable method of partaking a journey towards coming closer to one's true self.


What if I have a specific issue I want resolution for?

It goes without saying that the primary goal of psychotherapy is to reduce the distress being lived. This distress could be present because of multiple reasons- conscious or unconscious. Hence, like other clinical practices, the goal is to find a resolution with the client, but that is not the only lens with which Psychotherapy functions. It attempts to expand the canvas to various fragmented parts that require healing so the resolutions reached could be organically developed in lived reality.


Is there an option for virtual therapy?

Yes, sessions are held online via portals like Google Meet & Skype. These portals are specified keeping the privacy & confidentiality of paramount importance.


Do you also prescribe medication?

No, I do not prescribe medicines. However, I work closely with a psychiatrist & make a referral where deemed necessary, after mutual consultation with the client.


How do I start my therapy process?

Please write to us or fill in the form on the next page, & we will get back to you within 48hrs with possible appointment slots. To confirm your slot, the payment will have to be received 24hrs in advance; failing which, the slot would be opened to another client. In cases where no slots are available, you will be consulted for the alternatives of being on waitlist or making a referral.


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We dedicately & heartily design our Newsletter with a lot of thought, sensitivity & inclusivity. To receive our monthly newsletter, please enter your email below. We ensure your information stays with us & there is no spamming whatsoever.

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